This week was an awesome week. Not only did it stop being so bitter
cold, but we had a baptism! Constance was baptized on Saturday and it
went very well. Everything got planned out well and members of the
branch helped out a lot. Yesterday she was confirmed by the branch
president, and then in relief society she taught the lesson! She's
definitely a solid convert. She's a perfect example of someone whose
life has been changed and blessed by the gospel.
Last Monday we had our Zone Activity at the Ice Hotel. It was pretty
sweet. They had a drumset made of ice with electric drum pads wired to
it. I thoroughly enjoyed playing it. That night we had 10 missionaries
sleeping in our apartment. There was barely any room to move around.
I'm glad we're moving into a bigger apartment this week for when the
other missionaries come down. Tuesday was zone conference which was
good. President Cannon gave us some good trainings and talked about
preparing for all the new missionaries who will be coming in starting
next week.
Yesterday we were out knocking and this lady of about 60 opened the
door and quickly invited us in and told us to warm up. We could kind
of tell something was weird from the get go but she had us sit down on
her couch and started talking to us and for the most part a lot of
what she was saying was nonsense. She asked us where we were from and
how we got here... and then she asked the same questions like three
more times. We were both quite caught off guard and were wondering
what was going on when we saw some medication on her coffee table.
We're hoping it was just by accident that she took too much meds or
something. We had to tell her we had somewhere else to be and get out
of there ha. We might try back another time when hopefully she's more
normal. As a missionary, you tend to wish that the number of people
you meet who are 'interested' was equal to the number of people you
meet who are 'interesting'. Great week! Je vous aime!
Elder Oxborrow
P.S. I haven't sent pics for a while so it's a bit of a catch up this week.
1-Saying goodbye in Ottawa
2-At the army base in Quebec (the elders quorum president is in the military)
The rest- Ice hotel