August News
Well hello everyone! Ready to go back to school/work? I think the best thing about not having a summer break is it can't end if you don't have one! :) Last week we left for Ottawa after P-day and stayed with the Fallowfield elders. It's always cool being back in my old apartment and remembering being a greenie! We woke up at 5:30 Tuesday so we could make it to zone conference on time. Zone conference lasted 5 hours! We were trained a lot about working with the ward council, working with less active/part-member families, and having charity for those around us. It made me realize we (missionaries AND members) have a huge role to play in helping people come to/back to Christ, and it is an awesome feeling when we're blessed with success in our efforts. We also found out on Tuesday that we are now allowed to play basketball!!! You know what I'll be doing today. The rest of the day Tuesday was splits. I was with Elder Laouto from Vanuatu! He's the man haha. On Wednesday I saw the mission doctor in Ottawa to talk to him about my feet. He pretty much just said I don't have enough time left on my mission to make it worth seeing a specialist so basically I'll just keep doing what I've been doing. Thursday was Elder Wright's year mark! That was quite the day haha. When we went home for dinner I decided I'd make him some brownies. I mixed the sugar, butter, vanilla, and eggs in a metal mixing bowl. There was no room on the counter so I set it on the stovetop. Elder Wright put some water on to boil but he accidentally turned on the wrong burner... when I went to grab the metal mixing bowl it was very hot haha. It was pretty much ruined and to make matters worse, I had used all of the remaining butter for the recipe. By this time I had realized that if I started over we would pretty much lose our whole evening of proselyting time so we just left to go to work. On the way home that night we stopped at the grocery store to buy some butter. I hurried and busted out the brownies before bed time. So, despite his best efforts of stopping me, I made Elder Wright some year-mark brownies haha. It was a good day though. On Saturday we visited our less-active Steve and had peanut butter sandwiches and tomato soup. Pretty weird but not bad. You should try it. Yesterday was the Whitaker's (family from Idaho) last Sunday up here so I had to get a picture with them. Today we're going to dinner with James Carlson from Spanish Fork and then he's coming to a lesson with us. Hope you all have a good week! I'm gonna go play basketball :)
Love, Elder Oxborrow
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