Dear everyone,
I loved reading all your e-mails. Looks like Wade's birthday was a good one, and I'm glad he was able to squeeze in his eagle haha. We had a pretty awesome week this week. I was still in a trio with the other two Elders up until Friday when Elder Read arrived. He's pretty mobile, just has to take it easy to avoid post-surgery pain. He's able to move enough to get to lessons though which is good. We saw tons of progress with our investigators this week. Pretty much everyone made a good step in the right direction. Freddy and Claudia from Columbia had us over for a delicious lunch. We hadn't had a lesson with them for a good while so it was good to regain more contact. Our lesson went well with Tao who is from China. He comes from a non-religious background and has been making very small steps in gaining more faith. This week he expressed to us the desire to know why he's even here and what his purpose is, which is more than he's told us for a long time. We're hoping he'll gain a real desire to learn so that he can find the answers to his questions. Anita and Pierre are our investigators from Ivory Coast and we also had a great lesson with Pierre this week. We had been committing Pierre to read Mosiah 24 for a few weeks straight and he hadn't made the time for it... until this week. He read it and totally loved it! He soaked up the whole chapter and was ready to discuss it. It was awesome. I think our highlight of the week was with Williane from Cameroon. We had a lesson on the 2nd half of the Plan of Salvation. As we read through the pamphlet, the Spirit was in the room for sure. Afterwards we told her that the way she can know if it's true is through prayer. I asked if she had prayed to know if the church had been restored (which we've committed her to do multiple times). She said she already believes in the restoration of the Gospel. We were all just like ''Ok... now what do we say?'' We asked her if she would be baptized and she said she will continue thinking about it. She's getting so close. It's been a great week.
So this Saturday we have a pretty big-time meeting in Montréal for our whole mission. These are the details that were sent out to us:
Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve will preside at
the meeting. He will be accompanied by Sister Andersen, Elder
Donald L. Hallstrom, one of the Presidents of the First Quorum of
the Seventy and Sister Hallstrom, and Bishop Gérald Caussé of the
Presiding Bishopric and Sister Caussé. Elder David Homer, the Area
Seventy who supervises our Mission, will also be in attendance, and we
expect all four of our Stake Presidents.
Love you all! Have a great week. Enjoy the mild temperatures. We're still freezing and waiting for snow to melt...
P.S. The photos are a pile of snow and our columbian dinner appointment.
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