Monday, March 24, 2014

Still cold in Trois Rivieres

Hey everyone!
We had an awesome week! I guess it's hard not to when an apostle visits your mission. It was an awesome meeting with him. Bishop Caussé of the presiding bishopric spoke first though and I was glad cause he addressed us in French. When he spoke in Conference last October I was wishing I could hear him speak in his first language and voila, wish granted. He had some awesome things that he taught us about. His wife also addressed us in French. Elder Andersen's wife addressed us as well and shared a powerful testimony and some awesome spiritual stories. Elder Andersen taught us for about 45 minutes. It was awesome to see him pause, receive spiritual promptings, and then teach us accordingly. I learned a lot from him. Elder Read bought a voice recorder and recorded the whole thing so we'll be able to listen through it again. One of the things Elder Andersen taught us was that big doors swing on small hinges. The little things that we do in our lives affect us in huge ways. He gave the example of the people we associate with. That's a huge influence for good or bad. He also said "you can count the seeds in an apple, but you can't count the apples in a seed" while talking about our efforts as missionaries. As long as we are giving constant efforts, we can know that we are helping in the Lord's work. Elder Andersen also conducted our stake conference yesterday and called a new stake presidency. President and Sister Morin were released since they've been called to serve as the mission president (and wife) in the Benin Cotonou mission in Africa. He had been leading the district/stake for 18 years I think. You could see he was happy to have a bit of responsibility taken off his shoulders. He's a great man and will be a great mission president.
Well I hope it's warmer out west cause it's still cold here. The wind is still fierce. April should show some more warmth. We'll see. Anyway, take care. Love you all!

Elder Oxborrow

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